Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Alphabetical Index: Author Index: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Unknown

Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Faber, Alyda. »Redeeming Sexual Violence? A Feminist Reading of Breaking the WavesLiterature and Theology 17 (2003): 59-75.

[Info] Fabijanska, Monika. »To Censor or to Teach: Educational Reflections on a Foundational Exhibition.« Gender Violence, Art, and the Viewer: An Intervention. Edited by Ellen C. Caldwell et al. University Park 2024: 138-149.

[Info] Fagan, Garrett G., et al., eds. The Topography of Violence in the Greco-Roman World. Ann Arbor 2016.

[Info] Fagundes, Marluce D. Honra, moral e viol ncia nos anos dourados : Discursos jur dicos em crimes sexuais Porto Alegre (1948-1964). Disserta o, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2018.

[Info] Fagundes, Moser S., et al. »Diagnóstico dos inqéritos de estupro de vulnerável do município de Bento Gonçalves (RS) entre 2014 e 2019.« Revista Contemporânea 4 (2024): 1-18.

[Info] Fagundes, Terezinha, et al. »Entre interditos e transgress es: O erotismo no conto A virgem dos espinhos , de Jo o Gilberto Noll.« Revista Ifes Ci ncia 6 (2020): 166-176.

[Info] F h, Markus. »Kill me in Paris oder: Die Bestie in uns.« Lust und Laster: Was uns Filme ber das sexuelle Begehren sagen. Edited by Parfen Laszig et al. Berlin 2017: 117-132.

[Info] Fahnenbruck, Laura. Ein(ver)nehmen: Sexualit t und Alltag von Wehrmachtsoldaten in den besetzten Niederlanden 1940-1945. Proefschrift, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2015.

[Info] Fahnenbruck, Laura. Ein(ver)nehmen: Sexualit t und Alltag von Wehrmachtsoldaten in den besetzten Niederlanden. G ttingen 2018.

[Info] Faison, Rebecca, et al. »Sex-Role Attitude Change and Reporting of Rape Victimization, 1973-1985.« Sociological Quarterly 29 (1988): 589-604.

[Info] Faison, Rebecca, et al. »Sex-Role Attitude Change and Reporting of Rape Victimization, 1973-1985.« Criminal Behavior: Text and Readings in Criminology . Second Edition. Edited by Delos H. Kelly. New York 1990: 79-93.

[Info] Faktorovich, Anna. »The Forced Impregnation and Gendering of Female Heroes: Star Trek: DiscoveryCinematic Codes Review 5 (2020): 18-24.

[Info] Falcomer, Andrea. »Gli "orfani dei vivi": Madri e figli della guerra e della violenza nell'attivit dell'Istituto San Filippo Neri (1918-1947).« Deportate, esuli, profughe No. 10 (2009): 76-93.

[Info] Falconberg, Suki. The Raped Vagina: A Military Prostitute's Story. Bloomington 2009.

[Info] Fang, Zhongzheng, et al. »Reports on sexual violence published in an online Chinese newspaper: A new frame research.« PLoS ONE 19(5) (2024).

[Info] Fangrad, Alana. Wartime Rape and Sexual Violence: An Examination of the Perpetrators, Motivations, and Functions of Sexual Violence against Jewish Women during the Holocaust. Bloomington 2013.

[Info] Fantham, Elaine. »Sex, Status, and Survival in Hellenistic Athens: A Study of Women in New Comedy.« Phoenix 29 (1975): 44-74.

[Info] Fantham, Elaine. »Stuprum: Public Attitudes and Penalties for Sexual Offences in Republican Rome.« Echos du Monde Classique 35 (1991): 267-291.

[Info] Fantham, Elaine. Roman Readings: Roman Response to Greek Literature from Plautus to Statius and Quintilian. Berlin 2011.

[Info] Fantozzi, Chiara. »L'onore violato: Stupri, prostituzione e occupazione alleata (Livorno 1944-47).« Passato e Presente No. 34 (2016): 87-111.

[Info] Farge, Arlette, et al., eds. De la violence et des femmes. Paris 1997.

[Info] Farhana, Umme. »Representation of Rape in Sabitri UpakhyanJournal of Nazrul University 9 (2022): 163-172.

[Info] Farina, Valeria. »Restorative Revenge: A Response to Sexual Violence. Exploring New Modes of Justice in Rape-Revenge Narratives.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Edited by Christine Künzel et al. Göttingen 2024: 279-295.

[Info] Farmer, Angela. »The Worst Fate: Male Rape as Masculinity Epideixis in James Dickey s Deliverance and the American Prison Narrative.« Atenea 28 (2008): 103-115.

[Info] Farr, Kathryn. »Gender-Based Terrorism.« The SAGE Encyclopedia of Terrorism. Edited by C. Gus Martin. London 2011: 227-229.

[Info] Farrar, Maia. »Stewarding Treason: Political Instability in Amis and AmilounQuidditas 39 (2018): 54-79.

[Info] Farnsworth, Steph. »Sexual Violence Toward a Digitised Body: Fan and Developer Gaze in the Mass Effect Trilogy.« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 203-210.

[Info] Farstad, Elisabeth. The news coverage of the New Bedford rape case. M.A. Thesis, University of Oregon, 1989.

[Info] Fassin, Eric. »Le date rape aux tats-Unis: Figures d'une pol mique.« Enqu te 5 (1997): 193-222.

[Info] Fassin, Eric. »Sexual events. From Clarence Thomas to Monica Lewinsky.« Differences 13 (2002): 127-158.

[Info] Fassin, ric. »Fanon, du voile au viol: Culture, genre et sexualit .« Guerre d'Alge?rie: Le sexe outrage?. Edited by Catherine Brun et al. Paris 2016: 29- .

[Info] Fatima, Noureen. »Birangona: Their lives After the Bangladesh War of Liberation in 1971.« Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan 61 (2024): 21-31.

[Info] Fatima, Taqdees, et al. The Price Paid by Women: Gendered Violence and Subaltern Women depicted in The Other side of Silence by Urvashi Butalia. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences 8 (2023): 277-281.

[Info] Fatmawati, Hani. Reconstructing Humor: An Analysis of Humor in Two Selected Short Stories. S1 Thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2013.

[Info] Fattorini, Emma. »Nozze infelici. Il "Livre de l Amour" di Jacqueline Vincent.« Memoria No. 23 (1988): 107-114.

[Info] Fattorini, Emma. »Il colpo di grazia sessuale. Le violenze delle truppe nere in Renania negli anni venti.« Donne e uomini nelle guerre mondiali. Edited by Anna. Bravo. Rome 1991: 28-56.

[Info] Faulstich, Werner, et al., eds. Sex und Gewalt im Spielfilm der 70er und 80er Jahre: 1. L neburger Kolloquium zur Medienwissenschaft. Bardowick 1991.

[Info] Fa ndez, Ximena, et al. »Memories of Boys, Girls, and Adolescent Victims of Political Prison and Torture by the Chilean Military Civilian Dictatorship.« Journal of Interpersonal Violence (August 21, 2017).

[Info] Faure, Dominique. Histoire d un viol. Paris 1990.

[Info] Fauziatunnisa, Fauziatunnisa, et al. »Representasi identitas "comfort women" dalam film I Can SpeakJurnal Audience 2 (2019): 155-175.

[Info] Fawcett, Julia H. »Unmapping London: Urbanization and the Performance of Personal Space in Aphra Behn s The Lucky ChanceEighteenth-Century Studies 50 (2017): 155-171.

[Info] Fayard, Nicole, et al. »"Moi quand on dit qu'une femme ment, eh bien, elle ment": The Administration of Rape in Twenty-first Century France and England & Wales.« French Politics, Culture & Society 29 (2011): 68-92.

[Info] Fazeka , Ana »(Auto)Biography of Hurt: Representation and Representability of Rape in Feminist Performance Art.« [sic] 8 (2017).

[Info] Fayenuwo, Dominic O., et al. »Film As Therapy for Defied Children: Hell as Pedagogy for Sex Abuse in Dry and The Colour Purple.« International Journal of Religion 5 (2024): 1799-1807.

[Info] Feagin, Joe R., et al. Jim Crow's Legacy: The Lasting Impact of Segregation. Lanham 2014.

[Info] Featherstone, Lisa, et al. »Hierarchies of Harm and Violence: Historicising Familial Sexual Violence in Australia.« Australian Feminist Studies 29 (2014): 306-324.

[Info] Featherstone, Lisa, et al. Sex Crimes in the Fifties. Carlton 2016.

[Info] Featherstone, Lisa, et al. »Race and Ethnicity in Sex Crimes Trials from 1950s Australia.« Legacies of Violence: Rendering the Unspeakable Past in Modern Australia. Edited by Robert Mason. New York 2017: 217-232.

[Info] Featherstone, Lisa. » That s What Being A Woman Is For : Opposition To Marital Rape Law Reform In Late Twentieth-Century Australia.« Gender & History 29 (2017): 87-103.

[Info] Featherstone, Lisa. » Children in a Terrible State : Understandings of Trauma and Child Sexual Assault in 1970s and 1980s Australia.« Journal of Australian Studies 42 (2018): 164-176.

[Info] Featherstone, Lisa. »Look the Other Way: Dealing with Child Sexual Abuse Outside of Institutions in 1980s Australia.« Australian Historical Studies 49 (2018): 290-306.

[Info] Featherstone, Lisa, et al. »Marital Rape and the Marital Rapist: The 1976 South Australian Rape Law Reforms.« Feminist Legal Studies (August 28, 2018).

[Info] Featherstone. Lisa. »Sexual Violence in History.« The Cambridge World History of Sexualities. Vol. I. Edited by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks et al. Cambridge 2024: 339-361.

[Info] Feddersen, Jan. »Schlüssel zu einer besseren Welt: Die Schwulenbewegung hat sets zum Thema sexueller Missbrauch geschwiegen - warum nur? Historische Erkundungen.« Zerstürerische Vorgänge: Missachtung und sexuelle Gewalt gegen Kinder und Jugendliche in Institutionen. Edited by Sabine Andresen et al. Weinheim 2012: 243-250.

[Info] Feder, Stephanie. »Rwanda, Auschwitz, Shechem: Locations of Violence in Africa, Europe and in the Bible.« The Bible and Violence in Africa: Papers presented at the BiAS meeting 2014 in Windhoek (Namibia), with some additional contributions. Bamberg 2016: 133-145.

[Info] Fedina, Lisa, et al. »Campus Sexual Assault: A Systematic Review of Prevalence Research From 2000 to 2015.« Trauma, Violence, Abuse (February 22, 2016).

[Info] Feenan, Patricia. Holy Hell: A Catholic family's story of faith, betrayal, pain and courage bringing a paedophile priest to justice. Fremantle 2012.

[Info] Fees, Joseph C. New Directions in Kharja Studies: Gender, Sexuality and Religion. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 2013.

[Info] Fegert, J rg M., et al. Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch Zeugnisse, Botschaften, Konsequenzen. Weinheim 2013.

[Info] Fegert, J rg M., et al. »Child sexual abuse in religiously affiliated and secular institutions: a retrospective descriptive analysis of data provided by victims in a government-sponsored reappraisal program in Germany.« BMC Public Health 14 (March 27, 2014).

[Info] Fegert, J rg M., et al. »Child Sexual Abuse in the Context of the Roman Catholic Church: A Review of Literature from 1981-2013.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 23 (2014): 635-656.

[Info] Fehn, Bruce. »Race for justice. The Terry Lee Sims rape case in Sioux City, 1949-1952.« Annals of Iowa 64 (2005): 311-339.

[Info] Fehrenbach, Heide. Race after Hitler. Black occupation children in postwar Germany and America. Princeton 2005.

[Info] Feichtinger, Daniela. M nner vergewaltigen Frauen verf hren? Eine narrative Analyse der Erz hlung um Josef und die Frau des Potifar (Gen 39) mit kritischer Sichtung des Genderbias ihrer Interpretationen. Diplomarbeit, Karl-Franzens-Universit t Graz, 2014.

[Info] Feichtinger, Daniela, et al. »Nicht mit einem Text allein ... Gender, Bibel und Koran: Der sch ne Josef und die Frau des Potifar.« lectio difficilior No. 2 (2018).

[Info] Feichtinger, Daniela. Josef und die Frau des Potifar: Eine exegetische und literaturvergleichende Untersuchung von Gen 39. Vienna 2019.

[Info] Feild, Hubert S., et al., comp. »Forcible Rape: An Updated Bibliography.« Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 68 (1977): 146-159.

[Info] Feimster, Crystal »General Benjamin Butler & the threat of sexual violence during the American Civil War.« D dalus 138 (2009): 126-134.

[Info] Feimster, Crystal N. Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching. Cambridge 2009.

[Info] Feinglass, Abraham. »The rape of Tamar.« Jewish bible quarterly 20 (1992): 174-181.

[Info] Feinstein, Rachel A. When Rape was Legal: The Untold History of Sexual Violence during Slavery. New York 2019.

[Info] Feldman, Linda E. »The rape of Frau Welt. Transgression, allegory and the grotesque body in Grimmelshausen CourarscheDaphnis 20 (1991): 61-80.

[Info] Felias, Remedios. The hidden battle of Leyte. The picture of a girl taken by the Japanese military. Tokyo 1999.

[Info] Felix, Jos C., et al. »A exaustiva f rmula reencenada: Ambiguidade no corpo do texto e das personagens de Tar ntula de Thierry Jonquet e A pele que habito de Pedro Almod var.« Revista Letras Raras 6 (2017): 135-149.

[Info] Felix, Meg. “You May as Well Be Quiet”: Sexual Assault in Bram Stoker's Dracula. Honors Thesis, University of Memphis, 2024

[Info] Felson, Richard B., et al. »Changes in Police Notification for Rape, 1973-2000.« Criminology 41 (2003): 841-872.

[Info] Felson, Richard B., et al. »The racial patterning of rape.« Social forces 69 (1990): 71-93.

[Info] Felten, Uta. »Sexualität und Alltag in den Siebzigern: Spielformen der Überschreitung in Catherine Breillats Une vraie jeune fille (1976) und Jean Eustaches La maman et la putain (1973).« Aufbruch und Gewalt: Klassiker im Kino der Romania der 1960er- und 1970er-Jahre. Edited by Natasha Bianco et al. Marburg 2024: 173-185.

[Info] Feministische Antifa Freiburg. »Zwangsprostitution. Bordelle in Konzentrationslagern.« Informationen Studienkreis Deutscher Widerstand 25 (2000).

[Info] Feng, Pin-chia. »An "Uncomfortable" Past: Documenting Taiwanese "Comfort Women" in A Secret Buried for Fifty YearsFeminist Studies in English Literature 24 (2016): 5-31.

[Info] Fennelly, Kristina, et al, eds. The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films. Lanham 2020.

[Info] Fenno, Colleen. »Remembering Beatrice Remembering: Sexual Crime and Silence in Shelley's The CenciEssays in Romanticism 22 (2015): 35-51.

[Info] Ferdinand, Theodore. »The criminal patterns of Boston since 1849.« American journal of sociology 73 (1967): 84-99.

[Info] Ferez Mora, Pedro A. »Violence, Death, Sex and Psychoanalysis in Dennis Cooper's The Dream PoliceAtlantis 35 (2013): 81-98.

[Info] Fergus, Devin. Liberalism, Black Power, and the Making of American Politics, 1965-1980. Athens 2009.

[Info] Ferguson, Frances. »Rape and the rise of the novel.« Representations No. 20 (1987): 88-112.

[Info] Ferly, Odile. Women Writers from the Francophone and Hispanic Caribbean at the Close of the Twentieth Century: En-gendering Caribbeanness. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bristol, 2002.

[Info] Ferme, Mariane C. »"Archetypes of Humanitarian Discourse": Child Soldiers, Forced Marriage, and the Framing of Communities in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone.« Humanity 4 (2013): 49-71.

[Info] Fernandes, Arlete M., et al. »Care to female adolescents victims of sexual violence at a referral service in Brazil from 2011 to 2018.« International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (April 26, 2021).

[Info] Fernandez, Ida M.V., ed. International symposium on Filipino comfort women. Papers and proceedings. Quezon City 1994.

[Info] Fernandes, Lilly. »Traumatic Stories of Humiliation and Ill-Treatment in African American Biographies.« Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 4 (2013): 323-326.

[Info] Fern ndez de Arroyabe, Ainhoa. »Erotismo y profanaci n: La representaci n de la violencia mis gina en Dr cula de Bram StokerEU-top as 9 (2015): 149-158.

[Info] Fern ndez Carter, Catalina. »Los cr menes de violencia sexual cometidos al interior de un grupo armado: El caso de los ni os soldados en The Prosecutor vs.Bosco NtagandaAnuario Iberoamericano de Derecho Internacional Penal 6 (2018): 82-109.

[Info] Fern ndez Labb , Marcos. »"He resuelto to darme la muerte por mi propia mano". Una reflexi n microhist rica en torno al suicidio.« Hist rica 27 (2003): 207-225.

[Info] Fernández-Morales, Marta. »Survivor Memory and Rape Memoir: Chanel Miller s Know My NameLife Writing (April 5, 2023).

[Info] Fernández-Viagas Escudero, Plácido. El adulterio y otras transgresiones sexuales en la Edad Media: Desde los primeros fueros castellanos y leoneses a las Partidas de Alfonso X el Sabio. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Sevilla, 2020.

[Info] Fernández-Viagas Escudero, Plácido. El adulterio y otras transgresiones sexuales en la Edad Media: Un estudio de la regulación castellano-leonesa de los siglos X al XIII. Sevilla 2024.

[Info] Fernie, Ewan. » To sin in loving virtue : Desire and possession in Measure for MeasureSillages critiques No. 15 (2013).

[Info] Feroli, Teresa. »Sodomy and female authority. The Castlehaven scandal and Eleanor Davies s The Restitution of Prophecy (1651).« Women s studies 24 (1994): 31-49.

[Info] Ferrari, Carlyn. »"I said nothing": Teaching Corregidora and Black Women's Relationship to Consent.« #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 275-286.

[Info] Ferrari, Martina. »Questions of Silence: On the Emancipatory Limits of Voice and the Coloniality of Silence.« Hypatia (December 26, 2019).

[Info] Ferraro, Joanne M. Nefarious Crimes, Contested Justice: Illicit Sex and Infanticide in the Republic of Venice 1557-1789. Baltimore 2008.

[Info] Ferreday, Debra. »Game of Thrones, Rape Culture and Feminist Fandom.« Australian Feminist Studies 30 (2015): 21-36.

[Info] Ferreday, Debra. » Only the Bad Gyal could do this : Rihanna, rape-revenge narratives, and the cultural politics of white feminism.« Feminist Theory 18 (2017): 263-280.

[Info] Ferreira, Angela R. »Viol ncia sexual contra meninas em Ponta Grossa/Paran (1920 a 1940).« Nova Hist ria das Mulheres no Paran . Edited by Georgiane G.H. V zquez. Porto Alegre 2020: 218-241.

[Info] Ferreira, Elizabeth F.X. »Oral history and the social identity of Brazilian women under military rule.« Oral history review 24 (1997): 1-33.

[Info] Ferreira, Luisa T.H. Lolita e a corte: O debate sobre a autonomia sexual da v tima de estupro com presun o de viol ncia no supremo tribunal federal. Trabalho de conclus o, Universidade de Bras lia, 2015.

[Info] Ferreira, Mariela, et al. Un cuaderno para ayudarte: Historias de abuso sexual infantil. Montevideo 2010.

[Info] Ferro, Luiz R.M., et al. »A Constitui o Ps quica Pedof lica na Obra Lolita.« Id on Line No. 54 (2021): 1-18.

[Info] Ferron, Laurent. »Pour une histoire socio-l gislative des violences sexuelles l encontre des femmes et des enfants 1801-1880.« L histoire contemporaine et les usages des archives judiciaires (1800-1939). Edited by Fr d ric Chauvaud et al. Paris 1998.

[Info] Ferron, Laurent. »D construction des discours des manuels de m decine l gale sur les femmes viol es.« Cahiers d histoire No. 84 (2001): 23-32.

[Info] Ferron, Laurent. »Prouver le crime de viol au XIXe si cle.« La Preuve en justice de l'Antiquit nos jours. Edited by Bruno Lemesle. Rennes 2003: 211-219.

[Info] Ferstman, Carla. Criminalizing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Peacekeepers. Washington, D.C. 2013.

[Info] Fery-Hue, Fran oise. »Une expertise pour viol au XVIe si cle. Pratique m dico-l gale et vocabulaire gyn cologique.« Violence et contestation au Moyen ge. Paris 1990: 321-343.

[Info] Fesmire, Clara, et al. »American Serial Rape, 1940 2010: An Estimation and Analysis of the Social Profile of Offenders, Styles of Attack, and Historical Trends as Depicted in Newspaper Accounts.« Criminal Justice Review (October 7, 2016).

[Info] Fetchko, Amy. Speculative Fictions as a Mirror: Gender and Sexuality across three Works. Honors Thesis, Kent State University Honors College, 2014.

[Info] Fetter, Henry, et al. »From Scottsboro to Simpson.« Public interest No. 122 (1996): 17-27.

[Info] Fetz, Anita. »Vergewaltigung. Krieg gegen Frauen.« Emanzipation 8 (1982): 3-6.

[Info] Feuerstein, Anna. »The History of Mary Prince and the Racial Formation of Rape Culture.« Nineteenth Century Gender Studies 16.2 (2020).

[Info] Feuillassier, Rémi L. Remembering World War II and Narrating the Nation: Study of Tezuka Osamu's War Manga. M.A. Thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 2010.

[Info] Feulner, Megan E. "Women Have the Right to Fight!" The Contested Legacy of Second-Wave Feminism and Anti-Rape Politics in the Trials of Inez Garcia, 1974-1977. M.A. Thesis, City University of New York, 2014.

[Info] Fewell, Danna N. »Viol, lecture et representation en Gen se 34.« Guide des nouvelles lectures de la Bible. Edited by Andr Lacocque. Paris 2005.

[Info] Fewell, Danna N., et al. »Tipping the balance. Sternberg s reader and the rape of Dinah.« Journal of biblical literature 110 (1991): 193-211.

[Info] Field, Norma. »War and apology. Japan, Asia, the fiftieth, and after.« The comfort women. Colonialism, war, and sex. Edited by Chungmoo Choi. Durham 1997: 1-49.

[Info] Field, Robin E. »Take Back the Night movement.« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 247-248.

[Info] Field, Robin E. Writing the Victim: Rescripting Rape in Contemporary American Fiction since 1970. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Virginia, 2006.

[Info] Field, Robin E. »Revising Chicana Womanhood: Gender Violence in Sandra Cisneros's The House oon Mango StreetFeminism, Literature and Rape Narratives: Violence and Violation. Edited by Sorcha Gunne et al. New York 2010: 54- .

[Info] Field, Robin E. Writing the Survivor: The Rape Novel in Late Twentieth-Century American Fiction. Clemson 2020.

[Info] Field, Robin E. »The Other Men of #MeToo: Male Rape in Hanya Yanagihara's A Little Life, Sapphire's The Kid, and Amber Tamblyn's Any Man#MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 199-209.

[Info] Fierro, Maribel. »Violence against Women in Andalus? Historical Sources (Third/Ninth-Seventh/Thirteenth Centuries).« Violence in Islamic Thought from the Qur'?n to the Mongols. Edited by Robert Gleave et al. Edinburgh 2015: 155-174.

[Info] Fife-Yeomans, Janet, et al. The Janine Balding Story: A Journey Through a Mother's Nightmare. Sydney 1995.

[Info] Figari Lay s, Rosario. »Transitional Justice in Argentinien: Drei ig Jahre Suche nach Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit.« Handbuch Transitional Justice: Aufarbeitung von Unrecht - hin zur Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Demokratie. Edited by Anja Mihr et al. Wiesbaden 2018: 431-456.

[Info] Figueroa, Roc o, et al. Recognising Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse: Responses from Sodalicio Survivors in Peru. Dunedin 2019.

[Info] Figueroa, Roc o, et al. »Recognising Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse: Responses from Sodalicio Survivors in Peru.« Religion and Gender 10 (2020): 57-75.

[Info] Figueroa, Roc o, et al. Seeing His Innocence, I See My Innocence: Responses from Abused Nuns to Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse. Dunedin 2020.

[Info] Figueroa, Roc o, et al. »Seeing His Innocence, I See My Innocence.« When Did We See You Naked? Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse. Edited by Jayme R. Reaves et al. London 2021: 287- .

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[Info] Figueroa Ibarra, Carlos, et al. »Genocidio, violencia sexual y memoria en Guatemala. Cuadernos Americanos No. 144 (2013): 57-87.

[Info] Figueroa Ibarra, Carlos, et al. »Masculinidad, violencia sexual y g nero en el genocidio en Guatemala durante el conflicto armado.« Revista Historia y Justicia No. 3 (2014): 33-58.

[Info] Filiz, Burcu. Militarizm ve Kad?n: ?kinci D nya Sava??'n?n Rahatlat?c? Kad?nlar?. Thesis, Istanbul Bilgi niversitesi, 2019.

[Info] Fincanci, Sebnem K., et al. »Diagnosis of Torture after 32 Years: Assessment of three alleged torture victims during the 1980 military coup in Turkey.« Forensic Science International (2014).

[Info] Finch, Andrew. »The disciplining of the laity in late medieval Normandy.« French history 10 (1996): 163-181.

[Info] Fincher, Kelly M., et al. »Professional writing on child sexual abuse from 1900 to 1975. Dominant themes and impact on prosecution.« Child maltreatment 4 (1999): 201-216.

[Info] Findlay, Eileen J. »Courtroom tales of sex and honor: rapto and rape in late nineteenth-century Puerto Rico.« Honor, Status, and Law in Modern Latin America. Edited by Sueann Caulfield et al. Durham 2005: 201-222.

[Info] Finelli, Amanda, et al. »Sexual violence in literature: a cultural heritage?« Handbook on Sexual Violence. Edited by Jennifer M. Brown et al. New York 2012: 52-68.

[Info] Fineman, Joel. »Shakespeare s Will. The temporality of rape.« Representations No. 20 (1987): 25-76.

[Info] Fineran, Susan. »Sexual harassment, same-sex.« Encyclopedia of interpersonal violence. Vol. 2. Edited by Claire M. Renzetti et al. Thousand Oaks 2008: 662-664.

[Info] Finger, Marina de Oliveira. O Uso Sistem tico do Estupro em Conflitos: Um Estudo de Caso Acerca de Suas Motiva es no Conflito Interno da Guatemala (1960-1996). Trabalho de conclus o de gradua o, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2013.

[Info] Finin, K. »Trying Rape in The Revenger s Tragedy. A Slack Performance .« Cahiers Elisabethains No. 74 (2008): 17-22.

[Info] Finke, Laurie A., et al. »The Mont St. Michel Giant. Sexual violence and imperialism in the chronicles of Wace and Layamon.« Violence against women in medieval texts. Edited by Anna Roberts. Gainesville 1998: 56-74.

[Info] Finkel, Rebecca, et al., eds. Gendered Violence at International Festivals: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. London 2020.

[Info] Finkelhor, David. »Commentary on "The universality of incest".« Journal of psychohistory 19 (1991): 218.

[Info] Finkelman, Paul. ed. Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties. London 2006.

[Info] Finkelstein, J.J. »Sex Offenses in Sumerian Laws.« Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (1966): 355-372.

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